Apple has decided to make its mark in the AI world with something called "Apple Intelligence." This new generative AI offering is set to roll out to the latest versions of its operating systems. Of course, not every device will get to experience this tech marvel—only the latest iPhone 15 Pro and M1 Mac and iPad devices will be graced with its presence. If you have the standard iPhone 15, tough luck.
The AI features include enhanced Siri capabilities and a range of other tools meant to make life easier, or at least that’s the plan. By incorporating AI, Apple aims to make its devices even more integral to users' daily routines. Apple Intelligence promises to be a game-changer, adding new dimensions to how users interact with their gadgets.
So, if you're eager to see what all the fuss is about, you better check if your device is new enough to handle this. Apple's grand vision for AI is here, and it's as exclusive as ever.
For more details, read the full article on TechCrunch [here](